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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Television is not just an idiot box anymore: The government will use cable networks next year for services such as ordering documents and paying taxes at the click of a remote control.

"So far, we provided various e-government services via the Internet, but elderly citizens and others who are not acquainted with the Internet could hardly use it," said Oh Young-kyo, Minister of Administration and Home Affairs during a report of the ministry's policies to President Roh Moo-hyun. The government will initially implement the plan in southern Seoul this year and extend it nationwide.

The government will issue civil documents such as a citizen registration certificates, get fees for public services and taxes and gather public opinion with the help of television.

The services will be available via mobile phones and PDAs as well, enabling citizens to experience them anytime and anywhere.

The policy report also said that the government will let local autonomous police agencies take charge of public security in their own provinces beginning this year as part of its efforts to give more autonomy to provincial governments.

During the session, Roh urged the government to establish systems for effective settlement of problems through dialogue.

"The problem facing us is not technology and management innovation but the fact that we cannot resolve problems through dialogue and compromise."

"Another problem is we lack the systems and manuals for effective resolution of conflicts," he said. "We need to publish manuals on successful resolution of conflicts before repeating the manuals."

Roh also ordered the ministry to come up with measures to delegate functions of the central government to provincial governments to promote balanced national development.

"We need to consider allowing provincial governments to collect provincial taxes if they develop and invest heavily in lucrative industries," he said.

On the establishment of effective anti-disaster systems, Roh instructed the ministry to mull attracting private funds for building of the system and then repaying the debt gradually to reduce the budget burden.

Autor: Jin Hyun-joo

Quelle: The Korea Herald, 02.04.2005

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