Heute 1096

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Insgesamt 39534398

Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Information & Communication (MIC) said yesterday that it will pour in 75 billion won in advancing e-government services, implementing next-generation mobile government (m-government) and informatization of administrative services next year in order to expand public services based on e-government. The Ministry plans to expand the e-government service (http://www.egov.go.kr), and to make paying income and corporate taxes available through comprehensive national tax service (http://www.hometax.go.kr).

Besides the Ministry has decided to implement next-generation m-government through wireless devices and establish a common foundation for connection for wireless telecom operators.

The Ministry also plans to conduct BPR for common administrative services of 16 cities and provinces following administrative informatization of autonomous local governments and establish a comprehensive information system.

The government officially launched e-government by holding an event under 'e-Government Foundation Completion Celebration' with the presence of 170 guests including President Kim and Ministers.

As a result, it is now possible to apply for and receive 393 kinds of certificates including tax payment certificate and residential registration in the comfort of living room or an office and to access various public service information online including 4,000 necessary documents, agencies, fees and regulations. The government is also now able to enhance productivity and transparency of public administration.

President Kim said, "Establishment of e-government will greatly contribute to cutting social costs and improve transparency and productivity resulting in strengthened national competitiveness. However, the genuine e-government era has just begun. I'd like to encourage you to try harder for sophistication of service and diversity."

Quelle: The Electronic Times

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