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Insgesamt 39537173

Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
An integrated website where anyone can process civil affairs through the Internet will begin operations on Friday, Korean Electronic Government. The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs completed installation of the system for the electronic government and will begin services at 9:00am on Friday. The Electronic Government will computerize the process of civil affairs so that people can make inquiries or receive information through the Internet. The system will share all civil affair information of each administrative organization.

Beginning on November 1, people will be able to request 393 main tasks such as issuing housing registration, or confirming official land prices through the Internet and receive information in about 4,000 different categories. Twenty or so administrative papers will be able to be issued at any administrative office, taking a large burden off people who would otherwise have to travel long distances to be issued them.

The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs noted that this fully integrated service through the Internet is the first of its kind in the world. The Ministry is making plans for the service to be accessible through cellular phones and PDAs and the addition of an English service as well.

Quelle: Digital Chosun

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