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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Business Licensing Integrated System (BLIS), which is cited as LG CNS's first export of its e-government system to the Middle East, has opened to the public. Under the circumstances that President Park Geun-hye is actively seeking to expand exports of e-government systems to the Middle East, there is increasing anticipation that BLIS will be a bridgehead for exports of ICT to the Middle East.

BLIS is a system of online corporate registration and business licensing in Bahrain, and the central government of the country set out to establish the system as one of its national strategy projects in order to achieve its Economic Development Vision 2030.

LG CNS announced on May 18 that BLIS, designed to provide a one-stop service for corporate registration and various kinds of permissions, and to share this information between relevant government agencies, was made public in Bahrain, and the service began. A total of 20 government agencies will share information, and 1,800 kinds of procedures for registrations and permits will be shared. Owing to the large number and complex nature of related government agencies and procedures, the introduction of BLIS is expected to lead to more convenient and effective administrative procedures.

Setting up the BLIS is significant as a case study of Korea's e-Government system being exported through public-private partnerships. The reason for LG CNS to win the project lies in the fact that the company successfully built a corporate registration electronic application system for Korea's Supreme Court in 2008. The system made online corporate registration possible without visiting a registry office in person.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Cho Jin-young

Quelle/Source: BusinessKorea, 29.05.2015

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