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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Korea is ready to provide assistance to Belarus in developing electronic government. The statement was made by Korea Information Certificate Authority CEO Koh Sung Hak at the seminar held in Minsk on 18 September. The seminar was timed to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Belarusian-Korean relations, BelTA has learned.

The European Union named the electronic government of Korea the world’s best in 2010 and 2012. It is an incontrovertible fact that Korea’s electronic government is the best one in the world, said the Korea Information Certificate Authority CEO.

The expert believes that an accredited certificate that guarantees trust, security, and convenience is the foundation of success of the electronic government of Korea. At present accredited certificates are used in all spheres of life. They are used to open Internet banking, start electronic trading, and perform online transactions involving securities and other things. The open key infrastructure is in the heart of Korea’s development as the leading IT nation with high Internet consumption, he said.

Relevant projects are being implemented in Belarus under the aegis of the Information Technologies and Communications Ministry for the sake of forming an electronic government. “We see efforts exercised by the Belarusian government to facilitate lives of citizens and increase the effectiveness of administration. In turn, Korea is ready to assist Belarus with this matter,” said Koh Sung Hak.

If Korea’s experience and R&D in IT industry are merged with the knowledge and skills of Belarusian IT specialists, the effectiveness of administration informatization will be improved as well as state administration, the CEO believes.


Quelle/Source: News of Belarus, 18.09.2012

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