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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Information Technology Professional's Association of Korea (IPAK )held a breakfast seminar at the JW Marriott Hotel in Seoul on Nov. 10 with roughly 50 members of the IPAK in attendence.

IPAK organized the Software Contest of Korea and selected 34 products, including eight from China.

It was noted that IPAK will announce the list of winners on Dec. 17, the Day of Software Industrial Men, and present the President's Award, Prime Minister's Award, and Minister's Award to the winners.

For the seminar, IPAK invited Bang Hyung-bin, Vice President of KT, Mobile Data BU Personal Customer Group, as a speaker. Bang delivered a lecture on the subject of "The Future of Mobile: Web or App? "

Apple CEO Steve Jobs seems to have confidence that the future of mobile lies in Apps., introducing iPhone OS4.0 to the market on March. 12, Jobs said that "regarding mobiles, customers will gain information through relevant Apps rather than searching for it on Google".

Bang said, "Apple introduced iAD, a program which inserts advertisements on iPhone Apps. It is because advertisers are expected to have a greater interest in Apps than the Web, as Apps heed growing popularity." Bang also noted that some people have a totally different opinion.

"According to Kim Ji-hyun, Director of Daum Communication, even though mobile App Stores are growing, mobile Web services will grow faster than App Stores in the future. According to Kim, just 0.1% of Apps registered in the Apple App Store are making profit. There were no downloads for about 20-30% of the Apps."

Bang said, "Development of Apps is important. However, distributing Apps to users still remains as a big barrier to mobile service providers."

Web meets the world? (online + reality)

"Web squard" is a term which combines the meaning of Web and world.

Viewing Korea's IT media history, in the 1980s, an era of one household typically had one telephone (cable), then futher down the line the personal computer was developed.

In the 1990s, the era of one person, one telephone started with the supply of cellular phones and PC's. Super-speed Internet opened and the supply of e-mail began. The new generations, generation X and generation Y emerged and the supply of desktop PC's expanded.

In the 21st century, the era of Internet, 479.4 million people possessed an individual telephone, one household had one line as a means to access Internet, and the era of Web 2.0 and generation G has emerged. The popularization of PC notebook's came about as well.

"In the next decade of 2010, the era of Web squard supplied for a single person, two means to access Internet from one's house hold and smartphones emerged, heralding the mobile era," Bang said.

He said that the era of Web squard is the cyber world. It is a phenomenon that simulacre-style mobile augmented reality, which reproduced virtual reality thorough mobiles, replacing reality.

Jean Baudrillard, Professor of Sociology of Nanterre University of France, coined the term 'Hyper Reality' for this era, where imagination seems to be more real than what is real and a society where virtual reality governs society as the era of simulacre, anticipating the future.

"Like in the hit movie Avatar, virtual reality, which seems to be more real than what is real, is materialized through a program analyzing acts and faces, 3D programs, 30,000 kinds of processors and some 250 cameras," he said.

Web 2.0 and Web squard

Bang said, "The Web is no longer the aggregate of static HTML pages describing sets of information for the world. The Web is gradually becoming a world itself."

He continued to say, "A browser is the window meeting the Web. In the era of Web 1.0, browsers are links connecting the Web and individuals. In the Web 2.0, a browser is a link between people and people and regarding Web squard, the boundary of browser and App is ambiguous, it becomes the brokerage media between Web and reality."

Bang also gave a detailed technical explanation on Smart devices in Web squard and browsers that enable one to meet the Web. He also said that "although the use of mobile Apps falls behind that of mobile the Web in terms of utilization in case of creating access to the Internet, the utilization of Apps is actively being made."

Explaining the flow change of contents, he said, "500,000 users connect with Foursquare, and the comparable figure was 500 million for Facebook, 520 million for Skype and 6.52 billion for Google."

KRC (Korean Research Consultancy) forecasts that the volume of the global smartphone market will see a four-fold rise in 2015 compared with 2009. Meanwhile, KT Economic & Management Research Center anticipated that the demand will increase by four times in 2012. It also forecasted that amid expanding the smartphone market, the ratio of using the mobile Web will go up higher than that of using Apps, which is the mascot of smartphones. It indicated that enterprises offering Web service should persistently manage the mobile Web. On the other hand, the mobile Web grew up first and its preference ratio is going up due to the continuous growth of App Stores.

"In the case of U.S. developers, they think APIs linked with other services are very important. We can estimate a development direction of the present mobile App with the portions of Facebook (65%), Twitter (60%), Googla Maps (62%), PayPal Payment (48%). As the software of mobile Apps, iOS and Android coexist, presently, developers prefer iOS, but they are likely to gradually lean towards Android," he said.

There are two types of Applications of App Stores _ App application and Web application. "App is useful for users in the specialized fields such as weather and maps, and the Web is useful in more general and miscellaneous fields such as search engines. App are used as a means for development, but it is difficult and developers tend to avoid disseminating it to many platforms. On the other hand, it can make profits from sales through tailor-made services, including 3D games. Meanwhile, Web applications use HTML and Javascript so that it is useful as an application to other platforms. However, it has shortcomings of simply depending on advertisements," he said.

Bang stressed the importance of two directions rather than pursuing an individual development. Noting that new a type of browser is emerging in keeping up with the development of smart devices, he said that "browsers should be developed in a direction to produce universal standards that can carry out the Rich Web App functions by reflecting such Web standard development."

Now the 3G era is changing to 3W (WiFi, Wibro, WCDMA) network era

The Korean government is moving to announce the "Smart Korea" plan as a post e-government strategy. The smart government will build a mobile portal system and will embody m-government. As a guideline for development of mobile e-government services, it recommends offerings of mobile Web methods and mobile Apps as public services and stressed importance on the guarantee of universal accessibility for all people.

Commenting that the smart government pushes for innovation of communication, reform of government's business process and differentiated mobile smart services, he explained the direction of "Econovation" policy, a policy supporting developers who work in keeping with the era changing from B2C to B2B.

He said, "Finally, network resources are the problem. Although the 3G capacity reaches an unlimited level, it still falls behind the speed of WiFi. KT established the WiFi zone in many regions, but smartphone was still uncomfortable to set up WiFi with a secure network. Networks plays the role of detonator in activating smartphones. Noting that the era is now changing from a 3G network to a 3W (WiFi, Wibro, WCDMA) network, Bang stressed the importance of a network base for the smartphone boom.


Quelle/Source: Korea IT Times, 15.10.2010

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