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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Seoul Metropolitan Government signed MOUs with Barcelona, Spain, La Manche, France and Katmandu, Nepal on June 15, 19 and 22, respectively on cooperation in building e-governance systems in those cities.

Katmandu had expressed interest in learning about Seoul’s e-governance model ever since its former Mayor Dinesh Thapaliya participated in World e-Government Mayors Forum held in Seoul in 2008. In February, Mayor Narayan Gopal Malego made a formal request for cooperation in forming the city’s e-governance system.

Katmandu will now benchmark Seoul Metropolitan Government’s e-governance model and Seoul will offer consultations as well as technological assistance and exchange of personnel.

In addition, Seoul provided 100 personal computers to Katmandu. These computers are recycled personal computers provided free of charge for low-income groups to help close the information divide. This is the first time that the city has provided the recycled PCs to a foreign city.

The shipment of PCs to Katmandu is part of Seoul’s commitment to close the digital divide among cities around the world. Seoul declared its commitment during the 2008 WeGMF. Seoul Metropolitan Government said it is its expectation that such support will be an opportunity for Seoul to contribute to the global community. The city said it also hopes that citizens around the world will be able to benefit from the information age and improve their lives.

Barcelona’s Chief Information Officer Pilar Conesa supported the Seoul e-Governance Declaration in 2008 and plans to attend a meeting of CIOs from around the world to be held in Seoul Sept. 28.

France sent an informatization team to Seoul in October 2008 to benchmark Seoul’s e-governance and ubiquitous services. In February, Natalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Secretary of State for Strategic Studies and the Development of the Digital Economy visited Seoul and Philipe Le Grand, the director of Manche Numérique who oversees the informatization policy of La Manche requested exchange and cooperation in e-governance. Based on its advanced e-governance infrastructure and know-how, Seoul has signed MOUs with seven cities, including Moscow, Hanoi, Ulan Bator, Ankara, Nairobi and Astana.

The signing of the latest MOUs with three additional cities in June testifies to the excellence of Seoul’s e-governance system. The conclusion of the MOUs is expected to boost Seoul’s e-governance brand.

Seoul Metropolitan Government was chosen as the top e-governance city by the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs and American Society for Public Administration in 2003, 2005 and 2007. In July 2008 Seoul hosted WeGMF attended by representatives from 35 cities around the globe. From Sept. 23 through 30, Seoul will host a meeting of CIOs from cities around the world at the Hotel Shilla.


Quelle/Source: The Korea Herald, 10.07.2009

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