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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Korea exports not only IT goods and service but also IT-related policies. Korea now export IT policies. The country which had sent officers for studying IT policies to advanced countries like U.S. less than 10 years ago has transformed itself as a country to advise other countries on IT policies: securing technology standards and influencing decision making process of other countries, and even providing consulting service with regards to reorganizing government system. Some countries even adopt an entire system as a whole to set up and reorganize government organization. Such policy exports definitely lead to brisk exports of Korean companies.

Korean e-government system is world’s number one = E-government system takes the lead in Korea’s IT policy exports. The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs has been promoted Korea’s e-government system in various international events and forums since 2005. Especially, countries in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa are setting up roadmaps for informitizing their government systems modeled after Korea’s system.

African countries like Rwanda and Cameroon, which participated in “the sixth Government Innovation Forum” recently held in Seoul, are adopting Korea’s “Informatization Village” which intends to reduce information gap between rural areas and cities. The countries have established internet network and provided PCs in their rural areas this year.

“G4C,” integrated channel for handling civil affairs, will be adopted in Mongolia and Indonesia soon. UN headquarters is considering adopting Korea’s administration management system, “Onnara portal.”

Kim Nam-suk director of e-government, Home affairs Ministry, said “Around 20 officers from Mongolia, Vietnam and other countries are sent to Korea to learn our e-government policies,” adding that “Korea has secured its position as a leader in e-government as more and more countries benchmark not only our e-government system but also IT-related policies during the recent one or two years.

Benchmarking Korea’s operation of organization and agencies = Many countries are following Korean suit in establishing IT-related organization or teams in charge of setting IT policies. Especially, the role and function of “promotion agency”, which is responsible for connecting government agencies and private sector, and promoting IT industry is at the center of the world’s attention. Indeed, Thailand set up an organization called “SIPA” modeled after “Korea Software Promoting Agency” in 2005 which implements software industry and digital content related policies. Vietnam has been operating “e-signature authorization management center” which adopts Korea’s authorized certificate management policy. Japan has also introduced “Promotion agency” model in e-transaction and information security areas.

Some countries copy Korea’s policy roadmap as a whole. The Malaysian government has implemented “IT 889” policy which modeled on “IT 839” policy.

Increasing policy exports lead to better business performance. = Policy exports directly lead to Korean companies’ advance into foreign markets. IT service industry, which has established e-government systems expect to receive 100 million worth orders from foreign projects this year alone.

SK C&C is likely to win the Mongolian project of establishing “G4C” system, one of the Mongolian government’s IT policies. One industry source said “70% of preparation has been completed to receive the order.” It is also likely that the company is expected to win the contract for establishing intelligent transportation network and etc.”

LG CNS is also co-establishing e-government master plan of Indonesian government that Korean government transferred.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Hwang Ji-hye

Quelle/Source: Etnews, 19.07.2007

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