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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs said on Feb. 21 that it will expand the information security infrastructure of e-government and strengthen the punishment for misuse and abuse of personal information by heavily investing KRW 50 billion in information security.

First, to expand the information security infrastructure of e-government, the Ministry will have send and receive important documents through encryption when electronically distributing those documents. It will also prevent document forgery and falsification by installing DRM devices on ‘On-Nara System,’ currently used by public servants in all administrative institutions when doing their work.

In addition, it will actively cope with the cyber threat toward e-government system and network by establishing and operating e-government G-CERT for security management, information sharing and co-countermeasures between the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs and local self-governing bodies.

Furthermore, the Ministry will seek lawful regulation for CCTV installation and operation to protect personal privacy and prevent private life infringement.

In accordance with the revised Act of E-Government, strengthened criminal punishment regulations will be applied for the misuse and abuse of administrative information from July. Therefore, persons, who change or cancel administrative information with a purpose to disturb administrative information, will be sentenced to 10 years or under and persons, who open to the public or distribute the methods or the programs, shall be sentenced to 5 years or under or fined with KRW 50 million or under.

Quelle/Source: Digital Daily, 21.02.2007

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