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UN official says Korea could lead the world in e-government development and export technological ideas and software

Korea has succeeded in implementing e-government thanks to its good human resource base and continuous investment in telecommunication infrastructure. But it is now time to spread its technology to the rest of the world, a U.N. officer said.

"Korea could lead the way (to develop e-government) and export technological ideas, software and application. This will be the right way," said Seema Hafeez, economic affairs officer of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in an interview with The Korea Herald last week.

Hafeez visited Seoul for a three-day trip to give speeches at a forum on the nation's e-governance system and the need to educate information officers.

She was one of five foreign experts on information technology including Steve Ballmer, chief executive officer of Microsoft Corp.

Hafeez is the author of the U.N. Global E-Government Readiness Reports which ranked Korea fifth last year, topping other Asian countries for its online readiness and high level of information integration.

The U.N. survey for e-government infrastructure assesses how relevant and useful e-participation features of government websites around the world are and how well they are deployed by governments for promoting participatory decision-making.

Hafeez is also well-known as an expert on policy research and advice in several economic and social policy areas after 22 years of experience in various fields such as e-government and ICT for development.

She referred to the government's well-defined, comprehensive e-government strategy as a major factor that has led the Korean won to a higher position in the e-participation index.

But she stressed that it was good leadership that tied all the factors together.

"Korea has been a good example for showing that kind of leadership which has used technology in the right way," said Hafeez.

Autor/Author: Cho Chung-un

Quelle/Source: Asia Pacific Media Network, 29.05.2006

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