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Africa still relies heavily on expensive satellite connections to gain access to the internet, a report released recently has said.

The report, by South Africa-based telecommunications analysts BMI-TechKnowledge, which is represented in 40 African countries, said over 80 percent of African internet use is routed through satellite connections.

It however noted that efforts were underway to switch onto high-bandwidth fibre optic cables use, 10 of which were currently being built.

Within the next two years, companies would spend more than US$6 billion on cable projects.

Though it said fast internet connections were essential for growth in business and other applications on the continent, it bemoaned its expensive and sometimes rare nature.

Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania were mentioned as countries driving the demand for connectivity.

“Currently all countries in East Africa and most in central Africa have no submarine cable connectivity and are relying on expensive satellite links from the United States and France.”

It continued that landlocked nations were most affected, adding, “Countries on the West and South coasts have access to the third South Atlantic (SAT3) undersea cable.”

By the middle of next year, the private Seacom marine fibre optic cable, running from Madagascar and South Africa up to Egypt and continuing to India and France will be ready.

But another project, the African West Coast Cable (AWCC), did not meet some of its July 2008 deadlines, the report said.

Failure to finalise commercial and legal agreements meant that the US$510 million cable through ten African countries would not be operational for its target date of the 2010, ahead of the FIFA World Cup in South Africa.

And the East African Submarine System (EASSY) funded by the World Bank and the Development Bank of South Africa was behind schedule by at least a year.

The cable will run from South Africa and Mozambique to Somalia, Sudan and Djibouti with terrestrial links to at least five landlocked African countries.

The US$2 billion Uhurunet broadband network project proposed by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) has not started.

Meanwhile other high-speed cable projects underway including the East African Marine System (TEAMS) from Kenya to the United Arab Emirates, is due to start next year, and also the Flag cable through the Horn of Africa.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Samuel Boadi

Quelle/Source: Daily Guide, 07.08.2008

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