Heute 26

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Insgesamt 39548732

Sonntag, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Muscat Municipality is participating in COMEX 2024 with a strong focus on its ongoing efforts to transform Muscat into a "Smart and Sustainable City," aligning with its comprehensive digital transformation strategy.

Its booth features an extensive range of digital services designed to simplify and streamline transactions for citizens and residents. These services, part of a broader initiative to enhance electronic readiness and leverage modern information technologies, aim to eliminate the need for physical visits to administrative offices, thereby improving the overall quality of life in Muscat.

A centrepiece of the municipality’s showcase is its unified municipal system project, which emphasises smart governance and the integration of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence.

Launched in April 2023, this ambitious project is a key component of Oman Vision 2040. It aims to unify and enhance municipal procedures, ensuring sustainable digital operations while significantly improving the user experience.

Phase one of the unified municipal system project had already been completed, involving a comprehensive assessment of current municipal infrastructures, existing programs, and geographic information systems. This phase also reviewed smart city projects and services provided by municipalities throughout Oman. The project underscored a commitment to innovation and efficiency, focusing on developing smart digital solutions that enhanced service delivery and governance.

Muscat Municipality’s participation in COMEX 2024 provided an opportunity to inform and engage visitors about the significant progress made in its digital transformation journey.

Through these initiatives, Muscat Municipality reaffirmed its dedication to becoming a leading example of a smart, sustainable city, continuously improving service quality and operational efficiency for the benefit of all its residents.


Quelle/Source: Oman Daily Observer, 28.05.2024

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