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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A recent Arab Advisors Group survey of Oman’s Internet users revealed that around 19.4 per cent of adult users buy products, and pay for services and bills online.

The survey was conducted between January and April 2014 by the Arab Advisors Group, which provides reliable research, analysis and forecasts of Arab communications, media, technology and financial markets.

The Arab Advisors Group conservatively estimates the number of these e-commerce users to be around 180,000.

The survey report,’Oman Internet Users and e-commerce Survey 2014’ was released earlier this year and provides the results of a major comprehensive online survey of Internet users in Oman.

The survey probed Internet and cellular usage patterns of users in Oman, in addition to online games, e-commerce, online banking (e-banking) and e-government usage.

Respondents were called through randomly generated numbers.

The survey results encompass answers from 751 respondents that passed rigorous quality control checks.

Quality control was conducted by the Arab Advisors Group’s team and included listening to a random sample of the call recordings for authenticity and double checking their answers on a selected list of questions.

The survey revealed high adoption levels of mobile Internet; with 78.6 per cent of Internet users reporting accessing the Internet through their mobile operators’ networks. The survey also revealed high smartphone adoption, with 96.5 per cent of Internet users reporting owning a smartphone.

Mai al Zeir, senior research analyst, Arab Advisors Group, stated, “The survey yields a confidence level of 99 per cent with a margin of error of less than five per cent.”


The questionnaire provides a focus on the following areas:

  • General information on respondents and their households
  • Internet usage
  • Cellular services
  • E-commerce
  • Online banking (e-banking) services
  • E-government services


    Quelle/Source: Muscat Daily, 05.08.2014

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