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Exchange of delegations will make cooperation between Oman and Singapore in the information technology sector 'sustainable', according to IT officials of both countries.

"The momentum that we have seen so far is good and can be increased by more business-to-business engagement, which can be done through the exchange of delegations," says a senior official at Singapore's Infocomm Development Authority (IDA).

The IDA recently hosted a number of representatives from Oman's Information Technology Authority (ITA) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

"Singapore is a good hub for a company that wants to consider coming to this region as a starting point and then expand its activities to other Asian countries," Tan Lark Yang, group director at IDA International, told the Times of Oman in an interview.

Commenting on cooperation between the two governments on e-governance, the official said that the IDA has been involved in several projects in Oman, including the development of the Oman eGovernment Architecture Framework (OeGAF), which won the first prize in the prestigious Enterprise Architecture Excellence Awards 2010.

The project was the result of collaboration between the IDA and the ITA, he noted.

He also said that good progress has been made in the project being implemented in cooperation with Oman's Ministry of Manpower, which focuses on business process re-engineering that reduces costs and cycle times by eliminating unproductive activities. Oman has made significant progress in transitioning into e-governance, he added.

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Hassan Fida Al Lawati, the e-industry development director at ITA, who was visiting Singapore, said that the exchange of visits between Oman and Singapore is significant, given the Sultanate's increased focused on SMEs.

The Omani delegations were brought to Singapore so that they can be exposed to the latest technologies and meet a number of start-ups, Al Lawati told the Times of Oman.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Elham Pourmohammadi

Quelle/Source: Times of Oman, 24.06.2014

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