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Insgesamt 39534363

Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
HE Sheikh Khalid Bin Omar Al Marhoon, Minister of Civil Service, chaired the Sultanate’s delegation participating in the 99th session of the Executive Council of the Arab Administrative Development Organisation (Arado) held in Cairo on Wednesday in the presence of ministers and heads of civil service and administrative development in the member states of the executive council and Dr Refaat Abdel Halim Al Faouri, Director General of Arado.

The Sultanate’s delegation gave a presentation on the central electronic emplyment system being used by the ministry in the Sultanate which has won several local, regional and international awards.

The ministers and participants praised the system and its features that qualified it for prestigious awards, such as the Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in e-Government Services and the United Nations Public Service awards for preventing and combatting corruption.

Marhoon was accompanied by a delegation comprising HE Dr Hammad Bin Hamed Al Ghafri, Adviser at the ministry, HE Salim Bin Said Al Rowas, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Sultanate to the Arab League, Khalfan Bin Nasser Al Wahibi, Director General of Audit and Administrative Follow-up, Sayyid Zaki Bin Hilal Al Busaidi, Director General of Organisation and Job Classification, Sheikh Saud Bin Hamad Al Hamoudah, Saud Bin Ahmed Al Siyabi, Director of the Minister’s Office and Ahmed Bin Salim Al Shu’aibi, Assistant Director of the Department of Coordination and Follow-up.


Quelle/Source: Oman Tribune, 07.05.2014

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