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Insgesamt 39695130

Samstag, 23.11.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
To provide fair and equal life opportunities to people with disabilities and the elderly people through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the Information Technology Authority (ITA) has adopted an eAccessibility policy for people with disabilities and elderly people. In cooperation with The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (g3ict), a specialised organisation with a focus in issues related to people with disabilities, the ITA represented by the Chairman of ITA, Ali al Sunaidy, recently signed the policy in partnership with public and private institutions in the Sultanate.

Prior to the agreement, ITA held meetings with the public and private institutions, in order to consult and develop a policy to facilitate disabled individuals’ access to websites, electronic services, and to discuss constrains of implementing software applications that ease their access. The policy emphasises that government agencies should ensure that: Public information and eServices are accessible by persons with disabilities and the elderly; ICT-based public equipment is fully accessible to persons with disabilities and the elderly; Internal information and applications shall be made accessible to employees who are disabled and elderly employees; ICT is available to persons with disabilities and elderly individuals, within their respective lines of businesses; Private sector institutions are to have certain eAccessibility policies in place and regularly monitor them. Government agencies shall provide specialised training programmes to people with disabilities in using ICT to improve their performance and work quality.


Quelle/Source: Oman Daily Observer, 23.09.2012

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