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The eastern Chinese province of Anhui is investing more than 80 billion RMB (US$11.5 billion) to modernise its infrastructure, including a project known as ‘Digital Anhu’ that aims to make the internet more widely available and improve data transfer between urban and rural areas.

Once established in the major cities, the high-speed information network will be expanded in rural areas to meet the province’s ‘every village broadband’ objective and remove the ‘low internet speed bottleneck’ that has hindered development, Caoxiao Wu, Deputy Director General of Economic and Information Technology Commission, Anhui Province, told FutureGov.

The network will include an IP-based voice, data and video-capable system that will increase broadband access speed. Once up and running, the project is also expected to speed up local government’s online services delivery. By 2010, it is hoped that 50 per cent of administrative licensing will be processed online, according to Wu.

The project is expected to be completed by 2015.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Captain Wang

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 05.10.2009

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