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Freitag, 18.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
The Roads & Transport Authority - Nashwan Atta'ee: A delegation from the Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), comprising officials from the Administrative Services and IT Departments, has recently visited the General Department of E-Services at the General Headquarters of Dubai Police to review the best practices at world-class standards adopted by the Dep't, and exchange views towards boosting the existing bilateral relations between the parties.

The RTA delegation was headed by the Director of Administrative Services Nabeel Yousef Al Ali, and consisted of Mohammed Obaid Suroor, Office Services Manager at the Administrative Services Dep't; in addition to Senior Analysit Raafat Ali, Project Manager Maher Alaa Uddin, and Senior Analyst Anas Abu Laban at RTA IT Dep't.

The delegation was received by Lt. Colonel Mohammed Jaafer Al Rahama, Director of E-Services, and other officials of the Dep't who considered this visit one of the important steps to cement the bilateral relations and boost the joint cooperation in the interest of the public and all segments of the community.

"The visit aimed at automating and upgrading the fax technology/service in general and e-fax in particular within the RTA, and establishing a link with RTA's e-messaging system and the comprehensive documents management system," commented Nabeel.

"The RTA is always keen on benefiting from the practices of other entities particularly its strategic partners, and adopting cutting-edge technology to upgrade its business conduct, uplift the caliber of internal & external services, and boosting its e-services portfolio to keep abreast of the Dubai e-Government strategy of processing daily transactions in a swift & transparent manner.

"The IT Dep't, in cooperation with the Administrative Services Dep't and a specialized company, is working on the introduction of the E-Fax technology billed as 'Enterprise Wide Fax Management Solution'; and the system is set to be launched as early as next March, however, the traditional fax machines will not be totally phased out but the numbers will be curtailed to give way for the new technology to catch up.

"The application of the E-Fax technology will bring about a myriad of benefits to the agencies & sectors of the RTA, examples of which include: the new system is flexible, scalable, and economical in terms of slashing the costs of paper & toner used for conventional fax machines, besides enabling the management, tracking, archiving and retrieval of correspondence, sending/receiving messages through MS Outlook application, mass broadcasting of more than 100 messages, and interfacing with the comprehensive Documents Management & E-Messaging System," continued Al Ali.

At the end of the visit, the Director of RTA Administrative Services Nabeel Yousef Al Ali, thanked, in the name of the RTA, Lt. Colonel Mohammed Jaafer Al Rahama, Director of E-Services at the General Headquarters of Dubai Police, for being so cooperative in sharing their best practices in this regard with the RTA delegation. Meanwhile, he reiterated the importance of intensifying such visits in order to uplift the processes of both parties in serving the public including citizens, residents, visitors and tourists.


Quelle/Source: Zawya, 13.02.2012

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