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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Al Suwaidi: Poll proves users' trust in government entities with their data

An opinion poll conducted by Emirates eGovernment on the official portal of the UAE Government (government.ae) has revealed that most users trust online payment for government services. More than 2300 people participated in the poll. 83 per cent of them said they trust paying government fees online, 7 per cent said they "somewhat" trust online payment, while 10 per cent do not trust online payment for government services.

Most federal and local government entities in the UAE have online payment channels for their services which include utility and phone bills, fines and Zakat payment. Payments can be made by eDirham, credit cards and direct debit.

H. E. Salem Khamis Al Shair Al Suwaidi, Director General, Emirates eGovernment, said, "The percentage of people who trust online payment for government services in the UAE is one of the highest in the world. A recent study conducted by Ponemon Institute in the US revealed that 34 per cent of consumers involved in the study do not trust any government entity to protect them from fraud and abuse when conducting government-related online or mobile payments. The result of the poll shows that users trust UAE government entities to protect their privacy and data."

"I would like to assure those who don't trust online payment that government entities in the UAE adopt the highest safety and security measures to protect users' data. In the rare cases when an online transaction fails, there are channels to get a refund for the incomplete transaction," Al Suwaidi added.

Emirates eGovernment has launched the opinion poll through the official portal of the UAE Government (government.ae) among a number of other opinion polls and surveys; the results of which are used to develop and implement eTransformation projects in the UAE. Other channels Emirates eGovernment uses to connect with the public include social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, forums, etc.

Currently, Emirates eGovernment is conducting a usability survey to gauge user opinions about the features and usability of the federal portal of the UAE Government (government.ae). Emirates eGovernment invites all users to participate in the survey in order to help it improve the portal to meet their expectations.


Quelle/Source: Zawya, 24.12.2011

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