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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A Moroccan delegation led by Deputy Minister H.E. Mohammed Abbou visited the UAE General Information Authority (GIA) today (Wednesday, March 18, 2009), to gain valuable insights on the UAE’s efficient adoption of e-Governance. The group also met representatives of the Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) and visited the Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre (ADSIC), the developer of the Abu Dhabi e-Government program, during the Abu Dhabi leg of their UAE tour.

H.E. Mohammed Abbou’s group was welcomed yesterday in Dubai by H.E. Humaid Mohammed Obeid Al Qattami, UAE Minister of Health, Chairman of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAGHR), and Chairman of the General Information Authority. The delegation was given a presentation on the activities, specialties and goals of FAGHR at the Al Bustan Rotana Hotel Dubai, after which they proceeded to Dubai eGovernment. They then later joined a luncheon in honour of H.E. Humaid Al Qattami. The group will return to the emirate to visit the Dubai Municipality tomorrow.

H.E. Mohammed Abbou’s group was welcomed yesterday in Dubai by H.E. Humaid Mohammed Obeid Al Qattami, UAE Minister of Health, Chairman of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAGHR), and Chairman of the General Information Authority. The delegation was given a presentation on the activities, specialties and goals of FAGHR at the Al Bustan Rotana Hotel Dubai, after which they proceeded to Dubai eGovernment. They then later joined a luncheon in honour of H.E. Humaid Al Qattami. The group will return to the emirate to visit the Dubai Municipality tomorrow.

Morocco aims to learn from the Emirates’ best e-governance practices in order to enhance its Government’s own IT capabilities. During their visit to GIA, Director General H.E. Salem Khames Al Shair outlined present and future plans in the capital city of Abu Dhabi and throughout the Emirates to enhance IT-supported government services and further broaden the role of IT in national growth. The delegates were later escorted to the offices of two other major proponents of e-Governance, ADSIC and EIA.

“One of the major goals of the UAE is to transform itself into a digital society. GIA fully supports this role by conducting studies and research on governmental agencies to identify their technology needs as well as the personnel and resources required to meet these needs. Morocco will benefit substantially from our well-planned and comprehensive approach to productive e-governance,” said H.E. Al Shair.

The visit included a series of presentations on high-profile modernization initiatives implemented by the Abu Dhabi Government, such as the Abu Dhabi Government Portal Platform, the Information Security Program, the GeoSpatial Portal, and the Abu Dhabi e-Maturity index. H.E. Rashed Al Mansouri, Director General, Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre, said: “Since the launching of the modernization program in 2005, ADSIC continues to play a pivotal role in defining the strategy, setting the standards and drawing the roadmap to enable the transformation of Government services to realize Abu Dhabi’s ambitious vision of becoming one of the best five Governments in the world.”

H.E. Al Mansouri emphasized the importance of supporting the UAE’s leadership and actively involving all Government entities in ensuring the success of modernization efforts as well as maintaining open and active dialogue with the world’s leading Governments so as to keep pace with current international e-Government practices. Both parties agreed to hold further talks to exchange ideas and experiences in the future. “We hope that the opinions and views shared today will translate to similar success for the Morrocan delegates in their pursuit of effective online public services,” added H.E. Al Mansouri.

The Abu Dhabi e-Government program has adopted leading concepts in the delivery of world-class government services, in keeping with its commitment to realizing a “Service-Oriented Government.” The Abu Dhabi e-Government program for one has marked many outstanding achievements in a relatively short period of time. In addition to the Abu Dhabi Government Contact Center and the Abu Dhabi e-Government portal, ADSIC recently launched the “Jobs Abu Dhabi” virtual job market, which posts available job opportunities and matches them effectively with qualified candidates. The e-Government program will continue to pursue higher levels of information and communications technology (ICT) competency among government employees and promote the use of ICT as a vital tool for modernizing all sectors of the emirate.

The Abu Dhabi eGovernment portal was launched in February of 2007 by the Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre, a committee created in October 2005 with the main goal of developing, driving and supporting initiatives to improve government services in the emirate. Around 30 per cent of the website’s numerous hits for the first two months were related to searches for Abu Dhabi business links. The Emirates Identity Authority was created in 2004 to implement a nation-wide population registry and ID card program. The Authority aims to establish an accurate and secure population registry for 5 million nationals and residents by the end of 2010 with the ultimate goal of streamlining and optimizing public services. EIA representatives gave important pointers on how Morocco could develop its own registry system.

“We were fully impressed by the scope and capabilities of the UAE’s various e-governance organizations and programs. This visit has shown us how excellent management and total commitment can make efficient automated public services possible. We wish to thank our hosts for enlightening us on how to properly proceed with our own e-governance initiatives,” concluded H.E. Abbou.


Quelle/Source: Maktoob, 18.03.2009

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