Heute 78

Gestern 1163

Insgesamt 39538236

Freitag, 20.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Moving forwards with its e-government initiatives, Dubai Municipality has implemented a paperless environment. The launch of an electronic correspondence service will allow corporate customers to electronically submit their requirements to specific departments within the Municipality.

Customers can now scan the required documents and submit them through the Municipality’s website. The introduction of this paperless system will contribute to enhancing customer service, as customers will no longer have to take several hard copies of correspondence material to Dubai Municipality, according to Abdullah Al Shaibani, the organisation’s assistant director general for technical services.

To date, Dubai Municipality has received a large volume of correspondence from external customers such as public companies and other government departments in the form of hard copies, which were then manually given to the concerned departments.

The launch of the new service will simplify processes within the Municipality, says Al Shaibani. “We are certain that the latest service will further boost the efficiency and productivity of Dubai Municipality, as this complements the advanced IT solutions that we have implemented in our department,” he adds.

The newly launched service is designed in Arabic and English to cater to a wider customer base. Customers using the service can forward their applications or other correspondence to specific departments in the Municipality through the e-government portal.

Users can also check the status of their applications and cancel their requests through this service. The service still requires customers to submit manual attachments for certain services such as consultancy agreements, tender notices, contracts documents, and monthly payments reports, however.

Nonetheless, Ahmed Behrozyan, head of e-government services at Dubai Municipality, believes the technology will still deliver improved quality of service to customers.

“Government departments need to focus on simplifying various processes by providing a range of electronic services, which will in turn benefit the customers. The latest service of Dubai Municipality will result in a significant growth in the number of customers using our services,” he maintains.

Autor: Sarah Gain

Quelle: ITP.net, 18.10.2005

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