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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The UAE e-Government steering committee, chaired by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Khalfan bin Khirbash, UAE Minister of State for Finance and Industry, recently discussed the current progress made in the e-Government project and reviewed the 2006 plan for this major initiative.

The meeting focused on some foundation projects such as e-Portal, Messaging, and also discussed ongoing e-Projects, such as the Human Resources Management System (e-HRMS), the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries e-Government implementation plan and the Financial Management Information System (e-FIMS).

At the conclusion of the meeting Dr. Khirbash welcomed the progress that was made. 'It is evident from today's meeting that the committee and various teams involved at the implementation level are making real headway in their efforts to bring the e-Government project to fruition. What we have achieved by implementing some components of this vital project reflects the depth of the commitment of everyone involved and our determination to move into e-Economy and e-Society.'

The e-Portal, the UAE government electronic gateway, will see the launch of its Content Management System by November 2005. In addition, thee-government project team will hold individual meetings with ministries to assist in the adoption of new standards for government websites. The team will also work to develop web sites for other ministries while conducting workshops and seminars to increase awareness.

'Our aim is to achieve a world-class UAE e-Government with cutting edge ITC technology. This objective complements our efforts toward bringing higher performance and efficiency standards to government, and enhances our efforts to provide the corporate sector and individuals, UAE nationals and residents, with up-to-date solutions for any anticipated problem,' added Dr. Khirbash.

The e-Projects spearhead by Ministry of Public Works has launched its first eservice-eQualification, and is expected to launch other eservices, eQuality and eEvaluation this December. The fifth and sixth services to be offered under the e-Projects umbrella in 2006 are the Project Initiation Workspace and eCompetition. e-Projects is a budgeting and tracking tool for Federal Government projects. This project will enable the Federal government to access, monitor and manage infrastructure and building projects through a central system. It will also enable it to report accurately on project progress, management and financing.

The e-HRMS team held a number of meetings and workshops to ensure stakeholders are informed about the project. System requirements have been identified and two services will be launched in October and December. These are the electronic legislations and laws, and MyInfo Prototype. e-HRMS will allow the government to better manage its human capital when it becomes fully operational. The system will allow for the management of government employment on the macro and micro levels, covering all areas from demographic influences to workforce mobility and the identification of skill shortages.

The committee also reviewed progress made in the FMIS that will ensure unified financial and accountancy procedures for all government transactions. In November and December 2005, the FMIS team will be training personnel from the federal ministries and will test the system in the Ministry of Finance and Industry. In early 2006, FMIS will be launched officially across the federal ministries. FMIS facilitates the design and implementation of budgets programs to each ministry together with the appropriate financial resources. FMIS is regarded as one of the main pillars supporting performance based budgeting as it strengthens auditing and financial oversight.

Also reviewed at the meeting was the progress made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries which already offers 97 of its total services electronically and has launched a website with related comprehensive details. The Ministry is currently implementing the 'knowledge Management' and full automation projects.

The e-Government project has been designed in such a way as to allow the government officials responsible for the project to implement the programs and systems in structured 'wave' stages. Each wave of changes has its own milestones and benchmarks. Projects can span more than one wave or overlap. The initiative was introduced as a tool to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the UAE Federal Government and is a key component in sustaining the country's competitiveness.

Autor: Anne-Birte Stensgaard

Quelle: AME Info, 17.10.2005

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