“We are pleased to release the first issue of the official eNewsletter, which is a result of direct attention and direction of the Supreme Committee for Information Communications Technology, headed by H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister Chairman of the Supreme Committee for ICT. The eNewsletter is intended to spread awareness on various eServices activities, news and to educate the public about every new achievement related to Stages of implementation of eGovernment's strategy” Mr. Mohammed Al Qaed, CEO of the eGovernemt Authority, said.
“People’s daily visits to the eGovernment website to execute their transactions with various governmental departments, encouraged us to release the eNewsletter which will keep them updated with recent news and information at monthly basis” he added.
“The eNewsletter has come as a result of mutual recognition to develop research knowledge, skills and abilities of our visitors and employees of the public and private sector visiting our official portal” said Mr. Al Qaed.
“While our printed eMagazine features specialized subjects, the eNewsletter will on the other hand, focus on recent news and updates of eGovernemt’s program to create another interactive channel to communicate directly with the public” he said.
Launching the eNewsletter, the eGovernment Authority intends opening communication channel with experts and concerned users to enrich the Gulf and Arab digital content on the internet. Each an eNewsletter will contain a contest with valuable prizes to increase the browsers interaction, level up awareness and encourage the visitors.
The eNewsletter will be circulated through emails addresses to enable the readers browse it easily. All the visitors who registered their emails while visiting the official portal “Bahrain.bh” or during awareness campaigns of eGovernemnt will receive the eNewsletters, others who wish to receive their copy of eNewsletter can register through the email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.
Quelle/Source: Al Bawaba, 27.05.2009
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