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Insgesamt 39669533

Freitag, 18.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

The people of Panjim had to live through a nightmare in order that the fundamental framework for a smart sewerage system that has taken at least two years and is still not completed, will be accomplished.

It is unlikely that any other smart city in India had to endure so much which led to a few deaths as well as innumerable accidents and a long penury for the people of the capital city. It is thus in this context, that the residents of the city deserve not by default but by merit a smart city that can be set up by providing for, by means of transforming the landscape of the city.

At the forefront, the new sewerage system that involves the price of about Rs 1,800 crore should be commissioned without any delay and hitch in its framework. The roads in Panjim most of which are dotted with potholes have to be asphalted so that its life span be at least for five years. The drainage system which was exposed in this year’s monsoon as well as last year being of substandard quality and leading to the flooding of the city, especially the low lying areas have to be upgraded so that even during the high tide and say four inches of rainfall in 24 hours, should be drained out into the Mandovi without flooding the city. A professional team of engineers, who are well - conversant with the rainfall pattern in the city as well as who can accurately access the quantum of rainfall water volume that has to be drained out and thus set up a scientifically based drainage network, work for which should begin as soon as this year’s monsoon is over.

Not only theoretically but also realistically such a drainage system seems to be within the realms of achievement. Also, the footpaths should be cleared of encumbrance by removing all the vehicles parked and allowing for free movement of pedestrians, with roads having repainted zebra crossing for free movement.

With the coordination of the Corporation of the City of Panaji and the Traffic Cell of the Panjim Police station, a methodical system for parking as well as smooth traffic flow in the city, and accident free environment has to be devised to cater to the intense density of traffic especially during peak hours that the city has to deal with.

New traffic signs and new road names signage has to be laid out to ensure that smooth flow of traffic goes unhindered. It has been noticed that the open spaces in the city especially the gardens have not received adequate attention and thus all the gardens have to be maintained in such a manner that it elevates the aesthetic beauty of the city.

The statues and the plaques on their pedestals have to be tended to and the flowering trees with attractive flowers have to be planted as also the lawns in these gardens have to be pruned. The so called old buildings have to be reinforced and maintained by undertaking repairs and receive a fresh coat of paint.

As far as redevelopment is concerned, the fact that the city has reached a saturation point should be considered while constructing multi-storied complexes in the city which will conflict with the road network being overburdened as well as lead to exceed the carrying capacity which would be counter productive and thus prudent measures should be devised so that the burden of saturation does not lead to conflict of interest, but on the contrary lead to smooth and step by step upgradation of facilities to best make use of the housing facilities that are present at the moment. Judicious use of housing complexes should not result in demolishing of repairable buildings. It would be prudent also to maintain gauges for monitoring the ambient air quality index of the city of Panjim.


Quelle/Source: O Heraldo, 11.09.2024

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