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Mittwoch, 26.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Though, the Municipal Corporation (MC) witnessed a sharp dip in the recovery of taxes and bills after the outbreak of Covid-19, the city Mayor and officials of the civic body are claiming to strengthen the infrastructure and speed up the development in 2021.

Karmajit Singh Rintu said, “No doubt, the Covid-19 hit the revenue of MC but we have optimum planning to tackle the situation. We have several funds and fixed deposit grants so development works would not suffer. Even we will spend more than previous years.”

The Municipal Corporation proposed to re-carpet the A and B Class roads of the city. Last year MC had spent Rs 13 crore on the roads but now proposed to spend more Rs 60 crore on the city roads and streets. The government spent Rs 31 crore on street lights under Smart City project. Now, MC sanctioned Rs 7.5 crore for the completion and maintenance of street lights project.

Mayor Karmajit Singh Rintu claimed that in 2021 the MC will provide 100 percent water supply and sewerage system in the city. Several projects are being carried out under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT). MC hired desilting machines for main sewer lines and now facing issue in streets where sewer lines are narrow. The small super suction machines would be hired to de-silt the narrow lines.

MC reserved Rs 10 crore for this. For sanitation, MC to buy the sweeping machines for mechanical sweeping.

The Municipal Corporation officials claimed to strengthen collection and transportation for solid waste management. Modern machinery would be bought for the walled city areas. The bioremediation project would focus to vacate more land at Bhagtanwala dump.


Several infra works in the offing

  • Mayor Karmajit Singh Rintu claimed that in 2021 the Municipal Corporation will provide 100 per cent water supply and sewerage in the city
  • The Municipal Corporation proposed to re-carpet the A and B Class roads of the city. Last year, the MC had spent Rs13 crore on roads but now proposed to spend more than Rs60 crore on city roads and streets
  • Several projects being carried out under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation scheme
  • The MC hired desilting machines for main sewer lines and now facing issue in streets where sewer lines are narrow. The small super suction machines would be hired to de-silt the narrow lines. The civic body had reserved Rs10 crore for this project


Autor(en)/Author(s): Charanjit Singh Teja

Quelle/Source: The Tribune, 03.03.2021

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