Heute 1539

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40005114

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Physical submission of forms will be dispensed with Hereafter people don’t have to go through the method of physical submission of forms for services rendered by various government departments.e-formsWhether it is for renewing qualifications in employment exchanges or for obtaining driver’s licence or caste/community/residence certificate, one has to submit forms through online mode Even for the issue of new Ration Card, the online submission of form is mandatory.An order of the Directorate of Information Technology said the physical submission of the mentioned forms (145 services) shall be dispensed with and the same will be received only through online, using e-Forms, with effect from June 15.

A. S. Sivakumar, Joint Secretary of Information Technology said the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) aims to make all government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common services delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency and reliability of such services at affordable costs.

Mechanism to deliver public servicesIt is being done to take care of the basic needs of the common man. The Puducherry Government desires to create a mechanism to deliver public services by using the network of the Common Services Centres.The Union Territory Government has been implementing State Portal (SP), State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) and Electronic Forms Project which entails delivery of the services through online/Common Services Centres (CSCs) by leveraging the common infrastructure such as State Wide Area Network (SWAN), State Data Centre (SDC).

Common gatewayIt has been developing the applications and infrastructure required for deployment of State Portal and State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) for the State which will enable citizens to submit their applications electronically through a common gateway.The State Portal, State Service Delivery Gateway and Electronic Forms Project will enable citizens to fill the form either online or offline using their own infrastructure/Common Services Centres and submit it electronically to the concerned office of the concerned department.While the submitted e-form will be routed through State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) to the respective field office of the concerned department responsible for providing that particular service, State Portal (SP) will give information about the services.

Dr. Sivakumar said the State Apex Committee on Digital India, considering the advantages of e-Forms and as a part of Digital India Programme, during its meeting held on April 17, has directed to effect the change of mode of application to avail the services of the 15 Line Departments under SSDG & SP project only through online, using e-Forms.Whereas, the Payment Gateway is being integrated with e-Forms to enable the citizens to remit the fee, till such time, the fee may be remitted in the existing procedure, he said.


Quelle/Source: NYOOOZ, 09.06.2015

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