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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Chief Information Commissioner, India, Wazahat Habibullah has underscored the need to accelerate computerisation of departments and digitisation of records so that access to information can be universalised in the country.

While it is the right of every citizen to be able to access information, it is the duty of the Government to pro-actively make available key information to all barring those exempted.

The e-Governance initiatives should include RTI as a key component. Computerisation of departments and making available of all records and documents through a network of universal connectivity can make access to information easy and instant. But India’s core competence (expertise in IT) is surprisingly not capitalised upon.

Let not the citizen make rounds of offices seeking information. Let him just walk into a cyber cafe to access all information that he wants.

In the US, one has to just pick up a phone to get information. Why cannot accessing information be made easier here? the CIC asked.

Delivering the Foundation Day lecture of Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD), Habibullah said the dawn of a new Swaraj has come only now with the Right To Information (RTI).

It materialises the dreams of Mahatma Gandhi of enabling an informed citizenry, which in turn would counter corruption, enhance transparency and ensure accountability in the government.

The freedom to access any information would enable monitoring of governance, to know about what is being done to address issues concerning them.

The CIC took note of the developments in Orissa, particularly a recent instruction by Chief Secretary AK Tripathy to all departments to list out all categories of documents held by them in 21 days.

The list once uploaded on the Internet would make access easy for all and others should follow, he stated.

Elaborating on the RTI, he said the Act includes right to inspect works and even take samples of materials to determine the quality of work.

Citing cases in Delhi, samples of material has been widely used by slum-dwellers of the National capital, with illiterate women taking the lead, to bring about positive change in developmental works.

The NGOs and rights organisations can play a vital role in generating awareness on the RTI programmes.

Chief Secretary AK Tripathy, State Information Commissioner Jagadananda, CYSD chairman PK Sahoo and Prof AK Dash of Utkal University spoke.


Quelle/Source: Express Buzz, 25.03.2009

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