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Dienstag, 11.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Tamil Nadu has made rapid strides in overall “e-readiness”

Goa topped the 2006 list

Delhi tops in nine of the 14 parameters

Delhi tops the list of “Best e-governed States of 2007.”

In a survey conducted by a private group, Goa has moved down to the second spot, followed by Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

Previous top rankers Karnataka and Gujarat have taken the ninth and 19th positions among the 20 States surveyed by Dataquest-IDC. They occupied the number two and four slots respectively in the 2006 list.

While Delhi rose from the third place in 2006 to top the list now, Chhattisgarh has raced ahead from the 14th rank to the number three position.

The State at the bottom is Jharkhand. Uttarakhand and Haryana have also gone down in the rankings compared to their previous positions.

In the survey among citizen users, Delhi got the thumbs-up, with its residents satisfied with the e-governance initiatives. Delhi topped in nine of the 14 parameters in this category.

Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra follow in the rankings among citizens.

Among the business community, Tamil Nadu has cornered the glory, with three-fourths of the respondents pleased with the e-governance projects such as applications for supplies, provisions, government tenders and contractors, and power utility.

Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Maharashtra, and Kerala follow Tamil Nadu. According to the study, Tamil Nadu has made rapid strides in overall “e-readiness.”

There is one computer for every 26 citizens, compared to the national average of one for every 50. The State has 25.5 phones for every 100 citizens, and 15.2 Internet subscribers for 100 citizens.

Maharashtra boasts of a computer for every 14, 24 phones for every 100, and 19.8 Internet subscribers for every 100 citizens.

Focus on infrastructure

Overall, the citizens went by the e-governance initiatives in education, income tax, and transport services, but were dissatisfied with the performance in employment exchanges, police and security, and judiciary.

The focus of the study was on ICT infrastructure, rollout of e-governance projects and evaluation of the impact of these projects in the delivery of government services to citizens and businesses.


Autor(en)/Author(s): V. Jayanth

Quelle/Source: The Hindu, 31.03.2008

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