The signing was witnessed by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, and Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RH Karim Massimov in conjunction with the World Islamic Economic Forum.
“We are excited by the opportunities presented by this collaboration, given that it marks our first venture overseas. We hope that this mutually-beneficial venture would result in a substantial source of additional revenue from overseas for MYEG and diversify our earnings base in the long run,” said executive chairman of MYEG, Datuk Dr Norraesah Mohamad.
MYEG intended to leverage its extensive experience in delivering online government services in Malaysia, by bringing similar services to Kazakhstan, assisting NIT in its mission of building the country’s national information technology infrastructure.
NIT was the appointed National Operator for Informatisation by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and provided official registration and support to domain names of government agencies and institutions, as well as to those affiliated with the implementation of the projects. Both parties hoped to see the outcome of the MoU after a year.
“According to the United Nations e-Government Survey conducted in 2010, Kazakhstan is listed as one of the top 50 countries on the e-Government Readiness Index. We believe that this augurs well for a successful venture, given our experience and technology combined with National Information Technologies’ core competencies,” concluded Dr Norraesah.
Quelle/Source: The Borneo Post, 09.06.2011