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Transforming Government since 2001
No more free Web surfing for Mickey Mouse. The city of Orlando, Fla., has cancelled a pilot program that offered free wireless Internet access to visitors at a downtown park, saying that the service wasn't popular enough to justify the cost.

The cancellation may give fuel to opponents of municipal wireless deployments. But experts say it's likely a poor implementation, and that free wireless networks across the country, while few and far between, are usually successful, particularly when paired with a particular business interest or group of people who want to get online. "I'm generally skeptical about free Wi-Fi, but I haven't seen a trend where these are getting turned off," says Yankee Group analyst Berge Ayvazian. "I'm a bit surprised that Orlando shut it down."

Orlando's downtown wireless district pilot project was launched in January 2004 and provided free Internet access to computer users in a downtown area including Lake Eola Park, Wall Street Plaza and parts of Orange Avenue. It was designed to support as many as 200 users at once, but only about 27 people a day were using it. City officials kept the system running for 17 months--long past the initially planned six-month trial period--but eventually concluded that low user rates didn't justify the $1,800 per month it took to keep the system running.

A spokesman for the city says they're going to explore other options about how to fund the network, including corporate sponsorships, and that it might bring the free network back at some point in the future.

Municipal wireless deployments can be big business for hardware vendors like Cisco Systems (nasdaq: CSCO - news - people) and Nortel Networks (nasdaq: NT - news - people). But networks like Orlando's have come under attack from citizens who don't want tax dollars funding the projects, as well as from telecommunications providers who say the cities are competing with private enterprise.

Earlier this year Texas legislators introduced a bill to ban municipal networks, based on the assertion that state and local governments should be prevented from delivering telecommunications services. The bill died in committee in May. Similar bills have been proposed in Indiana and nearly a dozen other states. In December, the state of Pennsylvania actually passed a law that prevents cities from creating and charging money for municipal Wi-Fi if it competes with private businesses.

But on the whole, the projects are successful and popular with users. The city of Philadelphia is the most high-profile and most ambitious network. The city launched a free Wi-Fi service in March 2004 that covered LOVE Park in its downtown city center and saw 1,200 users register to use it in the first two months, says Dianah Neff, the city's chief information officer. "We're averaging a pretty good 300 to 400 people a week," she says, "and in the summer it can go up to 300 people in a day."

The system cost the city about $35,000 for its first year, but much of that consisted of one-time equipment costs, says Neff. After the first year, the annual cost dropped to $19,000, and the city now believes it can further reduce that to less than $12,000 per year, or $1,000 per month.

The system also has helped revitalize business and residential interest in the city, says Neff, helping justify its costs. And there have been enough users and positive feedback from citizens that the city has already expanded the Wi-Fi coverage area and is planning on eventually providing free or low-cost wireless service across the entire city.

Spurred by Philadelphia's success, other cities are launching similar projects--and they say the failure of Orlando's pilot won't discourage them. "It certainly is something that we're concerned about, but we have a few things going for us that [Orlando] doesn't," says Craig T. Fifer, e-government manager for the city of Alexandria, Va. "We have a certain demographic here that embraces tech. Eighty-two percent of our residents have Internet access at home, work or both."

Alexandria has had a wireless network up and running since April that covers an eight-block zone in its Old Town neighborhood, a heavily pedestrian area filled with shops and restaurants. Fifer says they expect the system to promote economic development and tourism, since visitors will come to use the service in the area's cafes, restaurants and public spaces.

"All things being equal, if wireless is something that's of interest to you and you have the choice of visiting our city or another city that doesn't have wireless, you might come here," he says. "There's a lot going on here with technology, and if we have the opportunity to talk about that, we can help recruit more high-tech businesses."

It's still far too early to gauge whether Philadelphia or any other city is truly seeing an economic improvement from the free Wi-Fi. After all, the service is typically available only outdoors and is confined to one area rather than citywide.

Fifer says the city also plans to experiment with municipal uses of the network, like setting up Wi-Fi-enabled traffic cameras, trash cans that can wirelessly call the city when they need to be emptied or traffic meters that call in when they're overdue. "It would be difficult to justify building out a network for any one of those," he says, "but you start to be able to justify it in the aggregate."

Other municipal deployments have come under fire from telecommunications companies, who say the city is taking away their business. But Alexandria hasn't run into any of those hurdles. "Comcast and Verizon are actually on record as saying that they have no objection," says Fifer. "Some people say we're competing, but we believe that the project that we put together has been very narrowly tailored. We're providing an outdoor service, and nobody in the private sector is providing that on this scale."

Alexandria paid about $14,000 to set up the network and buy all the software and service it needs, but the main ongoing cost will only be about $650 per month for Internet access, says Fifer.

Cities who decide to launch free wireless networks need to make sure they adequately promote the service, explain how to use it, and need to know in advance how people or businesses want to get online and help promote the project. "Just putting it up and saying, 'Here, anybody who wants can use it,' doesn't work," agrees Yankee's Ayvazian. "It doesn't make it viable, and it certainly doesn't make it sustainable. The real issue is how you build a community or a project around it. If you don't do that, it's almost guaranteed to fail."

Autor: David M. Ewalt

Quelle: Forbes, 23.06.2005

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