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Montag, 28.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
The Internal Revenue Service has the nation's most reliable e-government Web site according to a leading private sector company that measures Web site performance.

Keynote Systems announced that IRS.gov is one of the first winners of the Keynote Performance Awards, a new awards program designed to recognize excellence in Web site performance. Keynote honored the fastest and most reliable Web sites in three categories: e-commerce, e-government and online travel and hospitality. In e-government, the IRS won the performance award for Best Transaction Reliability with an average score of 99.8 percent.

"We're proud to have IRS.gov recognized as the e-government leader in reliability," said Jimi Stricklin, IRS director of Web Services. "This award validates our goal of improving service to America's taxpayers by delivering fast and reliable online resources and tax information."

The award is based on Keynote's E-Government Web Transaction Performance Index. The index measures a visitor's ability to click through a number of pages on the Web site and successfully find the needed information. Measurements were taken between December 2003 and July 2004 every hour, seven days a week from the nation's 10 largest metropolitan areas. Three aspects of each transaction were measured: accessing the site's homepage, entering a search topic and selecting or clicking on a specific search result. The site with the highest success rate, out of 100 percent, is recognized for the "reliability" award.

Quelle: SmartPros Accounting, 26.10.2004

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