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Samstag, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Cornell University researchers presented information about Smart Cities to municipal officials and practitioners in Binghamton.

Smart cities is helping communities across the state bridge the digital gap through ‘Internet of Things.’ Researchers explained Thursday that Internet of Things is something that helps devices communicate with each other. For example, an app that tells you a parking garage is full.

Principal Investigator Max Zhang explained that he hopes to promote it in Binghamton. He said the city is a regional hub for the Southern Tier.

“We are hoping whatever we do here can propagate through the Southern Tier and then to the rest of the state,” Zhang said.

Director of Economic Development for Binghamton Sarah Glose said the use of Internet of Things in Binghamton will go towards stormwater management. This should tell the receiver how overwhelmed drains are, when there is a flood and where to see where infrastructure improvements will need to be made.

“We don’t consider ourselves experts on Internet of Things,” Glose said. “We really want to bring people together to talk about this, share ideas so that when we move to the next phase which is hopefully implementation of some of this technology, that we are utilizing it in the most creative ways that are the most impactful for both the people who work at the city of Binghamton and the county as well as the users and the citizens.”

Glose said there is a wide variety of other ways this system can be used, such as smart trash cans that can tell the Department of Public Works when they are full.

For now, there is no price set for the system. However, Glose said the city is looking into federal funding and an unused grant for the project.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Erin Lawlor

Quelle/Source: WBNG, 16.05.2024

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