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Transforming Government since 2001
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council identified cost-savings of over £250,000 (USD$453,484.75) in just two service areas resulting from the implementation of Onyx Software's Customer Resource Management (CRM) product tailored for local government needs. The cost-savings were identified as part of a return on investment study at Knowsley conducted by the National Computer Center (NCC), and the figure is expected to increase as the implementation of CRM in other service areas is analyzed. The NCC study examined two areas where Knowsley Council has implemented CRM -- a specific service, Revenues and Benefits, and a cross-service function, council-wide bookings. Processes before and after CRM implementation were identified, and costs calculated for comparison. Knowsley is one of six partner authorities managing the local eGovernment CRM National Program, an initiative established by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in response to demand from local authorities for advice and guidance in planning and implementing CRM. The return on investment study used a model developed as part of Knowsley's work to build a Return on Investment Guide, one of the core tools available in the Government's CRM Resource Kit for local councils.

"We are delighted that this study has confirmed our expectations of the benefits of implementing CRM at Knowsley," said Rod Matthews, Head of ICT for Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council. "We have identified significant, quantifiable performance improvements and cost reductions in these two areas. As they comprise only one-fifth of the total number of transactions that will be running through Onyx when implementation is complete, we anticipate further savings in the future. Quality service will be delivered at lower cost and the council will be able to reinvest the savings as we become more efficient and effective at providing services for our citizens."

Using Onyx CRM has also benefited Knowsley by facilitating additional business processes to further improve service and efficiency. Benefits of the Onyx solution mentioned in the study include:

  • Capturing core data at front office through eforms
  • Improving the efficiency and quality of call and enquiry handling (thus reducing the need for follow-ups)
  • Facilitating a joined-up and consistent customer service
  • Eliminating, improving and automating key business processes
  • Provision of high-quality management information.
"For chief executives and treasurers this study demonstrates the economic argument for CRM," said Ian Lever of the National Computer Centre. "Organizations of any kind need to see the value of their investments and local authorities are no different. Onyx has helped hundreds of their commercial customers derive business value from CRM and this study proves the value of a structured and well planned CRM implementation to local authorities too."

The Onyx for Local Government solution, with versions developed specifically for UK and U.S. local governments, is being used by more than 30y local authorities across the globe including Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Worcestershire County Council, Highland Council and Cambridgeshire County Council. The solution, which includes a desktop for contact center representatives, a citizen self-service portal and a robust reporting package, is helping local authorities share vital citizen-centric information across departments to provide higher levels of service, reduce operational costs and maintain accountability for departmental programs and services.

Quelle: Government Technology, June 2004

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