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According to Jane Jacobs, author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities: “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” An inspiring call to action for the young and old alike, the statement prompts an important question related to the experience of aging in an urban environment:

How can cities become active partners to support longer, healthier lives? And how can older adults themselves assess their cities in the context of the smart solutions in place? Are they relevant to them, and has the quality of life increased?

Older adults increasingly seek to age in place and at home. They remain productive in the workforce and express new attitudes about health, housing, transportation, and education. They are also upending conventions, staying active, and contributing members of their communities. Cities are on the frontlines of this revolution. With the 65+ set to double by 2050 and 83 percent of U.S. adults 65+ living in metropolitan areas, cities can become incubators for healthy aging.

What's New in Smart Cities Research?

New research revealed that more and more cities are evolving towards the smart city concept, which uses an array of digital technologies to improve quality of life. These include a combination of the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), blockchain, and other cutting-edge smart city solutions.

Researchers presented a case study of a medium-sized city that illustrates the smart city issue from an inhabitants' perspective. After assessing resident involvement and the public participation level, the main conclusions were that inhabitants had a positive perception of a city's smart services provided that their implementation resulted in improving quality of life. At the same time, even though residents were aware of the smart services introduced, they do not fully use them, which may be due to their low attractiveness, a lack of promotion on the part of the city, or a lack of equipment readiness. Ultimately, inhabitants were satisfied with the introduced smart solutions, but more effort is needed to show how these innovations impact the health and wellness of inhabitants, in particular older residents.

Older adults can benefit from having a tech-enhanced life—meaning a quality of life improved through technology. But disruptive solutions are needed to deploy new cost-effective and sustainable solutions for aging well and independent living of older adults. Researchers have also explained that new technological paradigms as IoT technologies and smart cities have the potential to become main drivers for innovation uptake. For instance, recent research showed that smart cities can assess early frailty symptoms deploying an unobtrusive IoT-based system. And it does not stop there.

Digital innovations like IoT also include new technologies that can help connect caregivers to older adults, provide platforms for playing games online with others, or use virtual reality to help home-bound people continue to explore the world. Moreover, voice services can encourage deep interaction with family and friends through voice and video calls. These connections are especially crucial, so fostering them digitally can help lead to increased in-person interactions.

The Promise of Digital Solutions

A lot of digital transformations and social innovations remain untapped. But we know its potential to solve social problems and improve outcomes from health care to poverty, loneliness, and social isolation. While some promising solutions are in our cities, communities, and homes, continuing to innovate for urban aging is paramount. As researchers have said, it all comes together to elevate experiences for the urban area’s residents, visitors, and businesses—and build a brighter future for the city.

It is what MATTER, the premier healthcare incubator and innovation hub, is doing because they recently opened applications for a new accelerator to support entrepreneurs with solutions to navigate caregiving or improve caregiver well-being. The initiative is the second annual Accelerating Innovation in Aging program, and this year’s program will provide startups with mentorship, resources, and tailored curriculum to help them build their solutions and refine their value propositions. But MATTER is not the only organization in this space.

The Hatchery, an AARP innovation lab, is an innovation accelerator that works with start-ups and investors to discover big ideas and bring them to scale to change how people live as they age. Its mission is simple: bring together the best, most creative entrepreneurs to share ideas for keeping people 50 and older top of mind as they design new products and services. Through these and other unique programs, cities, and communities can seek and leverage technology-enabled innovations that leave no one behind. It is a tall order but can be achieved through trust, transparency, and collaborative decision-making with communities. Sensitivity to cultural and social differences also cannot be ignored as it helps reduce the disconnect between innovation and marginalized groups.

With rising longevity and reduced fertility, population aging is here to stay—at least for now. Cities can play a role in leveraging technologies to support healthy living and effectively engage older adults for creativity and connection.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Sophie Okolo

Quelle/Source: Forbes, 06.06.2023

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