Heute 13

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Insgesamt 39679703

Montag, 28.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

Performance Seattle provides data visualisations to help citizens track progress across seven priority areas.

The City of Seattle has launched a new centralised dashboard where residents can track progress across seven key areas.

Performance Seattle, which provides visualisations of city data, was created to help the city demonstrate accountability to residents, reduce data silos within city government and make data more accurate and real-time through automation.

“Building the city of the future”

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan said: “Performance Seattle represents our city’s commitment to building the city of the future. Understanding and leveraging the data that cities like Seattle generate every day is a vital challenge – it will enable us to be accountable, improve services, and generate better outcomes for everyone.

“We are showing how we are improving access to frequent transit, building affordable housing, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, meeting targets in our delivery of basic city services, and increasing people’s access to critical services and supports. My commitment is to share with Seattle’s residents where we are meeting our goals and where we need to lean in and innovate,” she added.

Seven priority areas

Performance Seattle’s dashboards track seven priority areas – basic city services; safe and healthy communities; affordability and liveability; homelessness response; capital projects; environment and climate change; and the future of work – against performance targets.

For instance, Seattle’s Department of Transportation (SDOT) has a target to repair 80 per cent of potholes within 30 days; Seattle Police Department aims to respond to 100 per cent of Priority 1 calls within seven minutes; and Seattle Fire Department has pledged to have a first responder on the scene within four minutes, 90 per cent of the time.

According to the city, the dashboard represents the first time disparate strands of information have been brought together in one place.

Growing accountability

Performance Seattle was developed by the Seattle Innovation & Performance team, in collaboration with over 150 city staff.

Each of the seven priority areas parallels seven cross-departmental working groups comprised of members of the Mayor’s cabinet and the Mayor’s Office.

Other cities are taking a similar approach to help citizens monitor activity. London uses a Trello-based ‘report card’ system, inspired by the New York Digital Roadmap and Oxford City Council’s Digital Action Plan.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Sarah Wray

Quelle/Source: SmartCitiesWorld, 23.12.2019

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