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Sonntag, 27.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
The Office of Management and Budget says interagency teams will look for ways to cut costs and improve services in five lines of business.

Looking ahead 18 months to the fiscal year 2006 budget, which takes effect Oct. 1, 2005, the White House Office of Management and Budget has began a governmentwide analysis of five lines of business to expand electronic government, the agency said Tuesday. Over the next six months, interagency teams will examine business functions, data, and best practices for five lines of business--financial, human resources, grants, health, and case-management systems--to identify opportunities to reduce the cost of government and improve services to citizens through business-performance improvements. After reviewing federal enterprise architecture data provided by agencies, the administration recognized the need to re-evaluate planned investments in these five areas, says E-government and IT administrator Karen Evans, the government's top IT executive.

It's the administration's practice to designate one or two agencies to lead multiagency teams for each E-government initiative. The lead agencies for the five initiatives are the departments of Energy and Labor for the financial-management initiative; Office of Personnel Management, human-resources management; Department of Education and the National Science Foundation, grants management; Department of Health and Human Services, federal health architecture; and Department of Justice, case management.

The five teams will draft and finalize common solutions and a target architecture reflected in business cases in order to be submitted for fiscal year 2006 budget review. The business cases might include a strategy for meeting the goal by the possible consolidation of multiple business processes that operate for each line of business, integration of existing operations, and/or a shared service provider arrangement, according to OMB.

The agency says it and the line-of-business task forces will employ business principles and best practices to identify common solutions for business processes and/or technology-based shared services for government agencies.

Quelle: Information Week, 23.03.2004

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