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Samstag, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Federal policies when it comes to broadband deployment should address needs and opportunities for specific services and uses, especially when it comes to healthcare delivery, the American Telemedicine Association writes in a letter to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

The letter is in response to the NTIA's request for comment on ways to identify barriers that hamper deployment of broadband.

The ATA says there are three areas that should be prioritized when it comes to broadband policy for healthcare delivery, especially regarding telemedicine services. They include:

  1. Coordinate federal funding for sustainable local broadband applications
  2. Foster broadband-based health service networks
  3. Enable broadband investment by reimbursing for broadband-delivered services

The letter also urges for the Federal Communications Commission to request that Congress update which rural providers are eligible for discounted broadband services, such as for all Medicare and Medicaid telehealth patient sites. Letter (.pdf).


Autor(en)/Author(s): Katie Dvorak

Quelle/Source: FierceHealthIT, 12.06.2015

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