Heute 197

Gestern 763

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Sonntag, 27.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
The days of driving to City Hall to pick up forms are a thing of the past.

Now, whether you're seeking a development permit or reporting graffiti, you can get the form you need on the city's Web site.

Likewise, you need look no further than your computer if you want to read a City Council agenda or research something in the municipal code. The City of Barstow's Web site redesign debuted Monday and is online at www.barstowca.org. Interim City Manager Vijay Singhal said the revamped site is still a work in progress.

"It'll improve as we go on," Singhal said. "There is a lot of information the Web site should have that it does not have right now. We'll keep working on it."

For example, Singhal (who is also the finance director) said he'd like to see the city budget available on the Web site.

"The overall goal is to provide as much information to the people as possible without them having to call and talk to someone," Singhal said. "Whether it's to find out about employment opportunities, getting a form or agenda, they can get it any time of day."

And eventually, the Web site might eliminate much of the need to even go to City Hall. Singhal said the city hopes to add more "e-government" features to the Web site in the future.

For example, residents could pay their trash and sewer bills and fill out forms online. Currently, visitors to the site can only download and print forms, and cannot submit them digitally.

The city is also using the Web site to market itself to developers. Singhal said the site could, in the future, provide information for businesspeople about properties available in Barstow.

Quelle: Desert Dispatch, 23.12.2003

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