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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The CIO Council in the United States has launched an online database of shared services to help government departments find and use existing services instead of buying new ones.

The database, called ‘Uncle Sam’s List’ (USL), offers information on shared IT services and providers in different service areas. Federal employees must log in to view the list.

USL was launched as part of the CIO Council’s ‘Federal Shared Services Implementation Guide’, released on 16 April. “This guide provides implementation guidance to help agencies move toward a “Shared-First” culture”, read a blog post by the CIO Council. “It represents the start of the discussion and actions that each agency needs to take in order to determine the future design and performance of their organization.”

The guide lists steps that departments should consider to identify shared services candidates, make the business case and examine funding models, and discusses key challenges that could arise.

The use of USL is recommended as one of the steps to implement shared services. Departments are asked to use the online catalogue to locate and contact providers, understand their capabilities, check their service levels over time, and assess their ability to meet the department’s requirements.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Sumedha Jalote

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 24.04.2013

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