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Mittwoch, 12.03.2025
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Despite the popularity of mobile devices and electronic innovation, 56 percent of Americans believe the United States would never become entirely paperless, according to a new survey.

In a national scientific telephone survey conducted on Dec. 6, by Poll Position, a non-partisan news, polling and social media company, only 20 percent of respondents believed the United States would get to an all-paperless status, while 24 percent were undecided or had no opinion.

The survey revealed that 63 percent of Americans in the 18-29 age bracket said the U.S. would never be a paperless society. Results for men and women were similar, with 56 percent of each gender agreeing that going entirely paperless would never be achieved.

Additionally, slightly more Republicans (58 percent) than Democrats (51 percent) felt the country would not become paperless.

The survey consisted of 1,142 registered voters throughout the United States and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent. Poll results are weighted to be a representative sampling of all American adults.


Quelle/Source: Government Technology, 04.01.2012

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