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Sonntag, 27.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Design to push for more 'e-government' and a less staid look

In a move toward offering more "e-government" opportunities on the city's Web site, city officials and a Brown Deer software development company are finalizing a strategy to beef up the city's Internet presence. Mayor Ted Wysocki describes the city's current Web site, at www.newberlin.org, as "strictly information-driven," listing such things as city meeting agendas and calendars, directories and the city's newsletter.

But Wysocki said the revamped Web site will have a less staid look, and will eventually be more interactive and include opportunities for citizens to do city business from their home computers.

"Our next major effort will be toward really true 'e-government,' " Wysocki said.

The new design should be unveiled sometime this summer, followed in the near future by the "e-government" changes, Wysocki said.

The Common Council authorized a $65,500 contract with Northwoods Software Development Inc. of Brown Deer to help the city put more services online and present New Berlin's image in a "fresh and interesting manner."

Northwoods founder and Chief Executive Officer Patrick Bieser said the changes to New Berlin's site will be similar to the work the company did with Wauwatosa's Web site, at www.wauwatosa.net.

Wauwatosa's site now includes several interactive elements, including a feature that allows people to search for assessment and tax information about properties.

"That was a real popular and real big need there," Bieser said. "We take each city and say, 'What do you get the most phone calls about?' Usually, there's a way to automate that."

The site will be designed so that each city department can maintain its own page and update it regularly.

"I think we're excited about the opportunities to promote our offerings and keep people kind of up to date on what's going on in park and rec," said city Parks, Recreation and Forestry Director Mark Schroeder.

Though Schroeder said his department would likely put several forms online, such as park permit forms, he said it may be a while before people will be able to actually register for programs or permits online.

"I'm sure it would be a big, positive service for the residents and it would help us out greatly, too," Schroeder said. "But we're a little ways away from being up and ready."

Quelle: JS Online

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