Heute 422

Gestern 1322

Insgesamt 40001822

Mittwoch, 12.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The city of Casper released polling results that suggests strong support for basic services paid for by the countywide optional 1-cent sales tax.

The unscientific surveys don’t ask if the respondents support the tax — only how they would spend the money if given the choice.

People at three different events were given the opportunity to rate the importance of different 1-cent spending areas. The results were calculated by adding all the scores for each category.

Polling of 121 people suggests that most support for the 1-cent tax lies in areas identified by city staff as “core” services — water construction and rate subsidies, road construction and public safety.

Those items appear first on the survey and are also the items city officials have identified in interviews and public appearances as most vital to the city.

E-government, public transportation and museums received the least amount of support, according to the results.

“I don’t think the public is opposed to spending those funds as long as they know it’s going to something that serve’s everyone,” Council Vice President Paul Bertoglio said.

Ward 3 Councilwoman Kenyne Schlager said the guidance from the surveys will help the council divide 1-cent money in the future, if it’s passed.

The city launched a Web site, www.onecentprocess.com, to seek voter input and distribute polling results. The site is managed by city employees and will show survey results and host discussions about different 1-cent related topics.

The countywide optional 1-cent sales tax has been approved by voters 13 times. The tax is slated for its 14th ballot appearance in November.

The city of Casper has used its money for road projects, new buildings and water-main construction.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Pete Nickeas

Quelle/Source: Billings Gazette, 03.02.2010

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