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Samstag, 26.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
The Global TransPark's Education and Training Center this month launched a statewide virtual resource for small- to midsize businesses designed to thrust growing companies into the realm of opportunity.

The program, TeamNC, is designed to connect its members with state and federal contracts they might not be exposed to otherwise. Smaller companies also can join forces to fill large orders. While TeamNC is not expected to bring in significant revenue, GTP leadership hopes the program becomes an extra selling point for potential training facility clients.

"We have two hats that we wear - a revenue generation hat and an economic development hat," said David Edwards, director of the training center. "We see the TeamNC project as a tool to help us find customers who could eventually use the training center."

TeamNC is a database accessible by Internet anywhere in the state. It links businesses with information, government bidding opportunities, economic templates and a resume bank.

A $125,000 grant from the Rural Internet Access Authority made the project possible. When the grant expires next year, businesses will have to pay a one-time access fee that ranges between $150 and $500. The amount depends on the company's size. Until then, TeamNC is free.

"I can afford free," said Brent Carter, founder of Raleigh-based IP Technologies. IP Technologies develops distance learning and e-government systems for underdeveloped counties. It is one of about six businesses that have either already joined TeamNC or soon will.

"The reason that we joined is we wanted to gain more visibility in these rural areas and let them know we are able to help," Carter said. "(TeamNC) will help level the playing field in North Carolina."

Over the next several months, Edwards said, the GTP wants to court 20 to 25 members for the virtual database. So far, TeamNC news travels by word of mouth. A full-fledged marketing campaign should begin later this month, reaching the central and western parts of the state.

A major component of the marketing campaign will be rooted in the state's community college system, said Michaela Brown, the training center's marketing and communications specialist. Brown is coordinating the TeamNC project.

"This is something that is definitely going to help North Carolina as a whole," Brown said. "This is basically a comprehensive resource for small businesses. Small businesses need a lot of help. They don't have the resources a lot of larger companies have."

For the purposes of TeamNC, a small- to midsize business has up to 100 employees. Larger companies can use the system, although it is geared toward smaller ones.

The TransPark's cost of running such a service ranges between $200 and $300 monthly, and includes up to 40 percent of Brown's $24,000 annual salary.

"We're not trying to generate a great profit on this," Brown said. "We want it to be self-sufficient to cover overhead costs."

Up to $15,000 worth of resources are available through TeamNC, Edwards said. Mount Olive College is developing an agribusiness database that will tap into the main system at the GTP.

Brown stressed that the TeamNC project was not a way for the government to find the best deal on any given project. Companies working together to fill large orders doesn't discourage competition, she said.

"There's always going to be people who need something," Brown said. "When it comes to a company that only has 10 to 15 employees, they don't have the manpower to fill large orders. That's where (TeamNC) will benefit them."

Quelle: Kinston Free Press

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