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Samstag, 26.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Getting more government information and services on-line is an aim of the U.S. Electronic Government Act, President Bush's latest effort to streamline the executive branch. he act, designed to help the federal government take full advantage of the Internet and use information technology to maximize efficiency, was to become law Tuesday in a small Roosevelt Room ceremony.

Mr. Bush pledged in July 2001 to introduce a more corporate management style to government by focusing on results and ease of use for its "customers." Increasing the use of electronic government is one piece of that agenda.

The measure establishes a new Office of E-government within the White House's Office of Management and Budget to oversee government-wide efforts. It authorizes funding that increases from $45-million (U.S.) in the 2003 budget year, which began Oct. 1, to $150-million in 2006.

OMB already essentially performs the functions of the new office, but the legislation codifies the position in law and makes it permanent.

Recent improvements include redesigns of one-stop federal Internet portals such as Firstgov.gov, an on-line gateway for Americans to federal services and information; Recreation.gov, which provides links to 1,900 federal parks; and GovBenefits.gov, a site where people can search for the benefits to which they are entitled.

Starting with the 2003 tax year, some Americans will be able to not only file, but prepare for free, their tax forms on-line.

Other on-line improvements in the works include a Regulations.gov Web site making it easier to participate in the federal rulemaking process and an electronic payroll system that will go from 22 payroll service providers to four, OMB spokesman Trent Duffy said.

The measure also requires regulatory agencies to conduct administrative rule-makings on the Internet and federal courts to post information and opinions on their Web sites; provides for temporary exchanges of information technology workers to government from the private sector; and authorizes "share-in savings" contracts, in which contractors provide upfront technology and are paid out of some of the savings they reap for their federal agency customers.

Quelle: globetechnology

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