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Montag, 28.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

Not all cell phone carriers will provide the capability to its customers, but AT&T, iWireless, Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular and Verizon have committed.

The standard number for emergencies, 911, has evolved since a universal emergency number was first conceived in 1957. Texting 911 in an emergency could be available by summer according to Iowa’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.

Weiterlesen: US: Text-to-911 Available This Summer in Iowa

Each jurisdiction has unique ideas of how the technology can get its trash and recycling issues sorted and move it closer to becoming a smart city.

In the hope of improving their trash collection and recycling rates, three U.S. cities are testing a new cloud-based platform, app and dashboards from a Georgia-based company that until recently was focused on the private sector.

Weiterlesen: US: 3 Cities Pilot Cloud-Based App, Dashboards to Get Smart About Trash and Recyclables

The southwest Florida county is modernizing how employees document their work and see their progress in eradicating the virus carrier.

Aedes Aegypti, watch your back. Officials in one southwest Florida county say 2017 is the year they hope to home in on the Zika virus-carrying mosquito species using a streamlined workflow and a series of new apps and dashboards to stamp out the disease-bearing insect.

Weiterlesen: US: Hillsborough County, Fla., Uses Real-Time GIS to Target Zika Virus

Without a public-private partnership, a smart city plan will most likely remain stuck on the drawing board.

There are a number of converging factors that can turn a municipality’s vision for a smart city into reality: the steady rollout of high-speed public Wi-Fi networks; the rapid evolution of Internet of Things devices that enable people, businesses and government agencies to measure and get data in real time; and the new transportation and business models created by the NATU (Netflix, Tesla, Airbnb, Uber). Just as significant a factor is the renewed embrace among both government officials and business leaders of public-private partnerships (P3s). That’s encouraging, because without a P3, a smart city plan will most likely remain stuck on the drawing board.

Weiterlesen: US: Why P3s Are the Brains Behind Smart Cities (Industry Perspective)

The Department of Transportation's data exchange program has made hundreds of data sets available for city and state governments to analyze and utilize.

Data creation is exponentially increasing. Each day, 2.5 exabytes (2.5 billion gigabytes) are created, and more than 90 percent of all data generation has taken place within the last two years. Nearly everyone with a smartphone in their pocket is constantly gathering data on their location and browsing history, among other things

Weiterlesen: US: Federal Mobility Data Helps State, Local Governments to Make More Intelligent Transportation...

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