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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Italian e-Government model is appreciated abroad. Three are always more developing countries' Public Administrations which want to use the digital technologies developed by the Italian government, revealed Innovation and Technology Minister Lucio Stanca at 'Euromed ICT', the conference for European Mediterranean countries on IT, promoted by the European Commission in Dundalk (Ireland).

Minister Stanca said that "more countries are joining the 16, of which Italy is advancing the e-Government Initiative for Development realized by the Technical Unit of the ministries by partnership such as UN, the World Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank and the Development Gateway Foundation of Washington. The new international fronts opened thanks to the agreements started with the State Accounting Department and the collaboration with the Territorial Agency of the Economy Ministry. With these international initiatives Italy united the efforts which were previously run individually by several international organisms. The world is increasingly adopting the 'good governance' way, i.e. that of democracy, and as a consequence new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are being used.

General State Accountat Vittorio Grilli and Chief of the Innovation and Technology Department of Cabinet Mario Pelosi, signed an agreement which made the collaboration between Accountancy and the Ministry for Innovation and Technology within the e-Government Technical Unit for Development projects official. The structure involved Accountancy as partner in e-Accounting projects not only as the Italian institutional referrer on these issues but also for the prior experience in cooperation projects, as in Lithuania.

Currently the collaboration between Stanca's ministry and the Accountancy is being realized with projects in Nigeria, Jordan and Albania. In Nigeria the contribution to Accountancy was fundamental for the start of the project and favoured the construction of a bilateral relationship with the Nigerian counterpart: the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF). The project, just started, will last six months and has a pilot phase scheduled: the data will be collected by posts located in the 5 ministries, to then be sent and consolidated in the OAGF headquarters.

The action was financed by the grant program of the Italian government and the Development Gateway Foundation for a value of 400,000 USD. The Technical Unit was implemented also to favour economic support of the World Bank to Nigeria to guarantee the progression of e-Accounting and e-Statistics projects, currently being accomplished in the same country in collaboration with ISTAT.

The General Accountancy experts gave their support to the Technical e-Government Unit for Development of Minister Stanca in the preliminary definition of the e-Accounting project in Jordan. The official start was in Amman under the signatures of Jordanian Finance Minister Mohammad Abu Hammour, Minister Stanca and UNDP-UN Representative Christine McNab. The project is accomplished in collaboration with UNDP via a trust fund of 488,000 USD, opened by the Italian government and will be concluded by December 2005.

In Albania the General Accountancy experts with those of the Technical e-Government Unit for Development took part in the definition of the specifications regarding the upgrading of the Albanian Public Accountancy System towards more modern European and international standards. Soon the Albanian electronic accountancy project will enter its operative phase. The Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry invested 930,000 USD in the UNDP trust fund for this.

The Territorial Agency was selected by the Mozambican Government as technical consultant for the electronic cadastre project (e-Land Registry and Land Information Management System) realized by the Technical e-Government Unit for Development of Stanca's ministry. The project, sponsored by the grant program set up - 111803 APR 05.

Quelle: AGI online, 11.04.2005

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