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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
"Innovation and Technology Minister Lucio Stanca launched his intention to "Recover levels of efficiency, carry out better services for citizens and the private sector, and bring public administration to the European level as far as quality, efficiency, and transparency" this morning during a meeting on the "evolution of E-government in regional systems" in Francavilla al Mare (Chieti). The Minister arrived in Abruzzo, fifteenth stop of a trip throughout Italy to speak about information service networks available to citizens. "In government politics - he explained - there is a commitment towards innovation. A great country cannot grow without being based on innovation. It is a process that will modernize the 'country system': there are Italians and there is the automation of Italians". Stanca then stated that "youths turning 16 years old this year will have a 175 euro bonus to purchase a personal computer, and there has already been a bill designed to include the disabled and allow them into E-government". Public Administration, concluded the Minister, "is being transformed in modern terms and will have to stay open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, at citizens' disposal whenever they need it".

Quelle: AGI Online

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