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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
"We must work together" said Viktor Ivanov, Vladimir Putin's right hand man and a key member in the Russian presidential administration, at the end of a meeting with Lucio Stanca, the Italian Minister for Innovation and technologies. The meeting focused on e-government projects and technological innovation schemes adopted by Italy. Ivanov heads the presidential commission established by Putin on the introduction of information technologies in Russian public administrations. These very issues were at the centre of the recent meeting with Stanca who is also heading Italian governmental projects for the adoption of Information and Communication Technology.

In front of his audience of Russian delegates - which included among others Alexander Karlin, Deputy Justice, Valery Ianvarev, Deputy Labour Minister and Vladimir Yegorov Dean of the Russian Academy - Stanca illustrated the work in progress concerning e-government schemes, as well as online public services, electronic protocols, digital signatures and email for public administration employees. The issues dealt with also included e-procurement and broad-band connections.

Quelle: AGI Online

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