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Samstag, 26.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Two Texas counties are currently piloting a Web-based filing system for state and local courts that will be jointly developed by BearingPoint Inc. and Microsoft Inc.

Weiterlesen: USA: Texas counties pilot online court filing system

How to take the next step in e-government portal services - including taxing, education and health-care records - is on the discussion agenda in the E-Town Theater sessions at FOSE’s first day.

Weiterlesen: USA: E-government, homeland security center stage at FOSE

Governor Phil Bredesen today announced the State of Tennessee is relocating to a new home online, and overhauling its web presence so that citizens can more easily access vital information and convenient online services.

Weiterlesen: USA: State of Tennessee Overhauls Website

Die amerikanische Bürgerrechtsorganisation ACLU ("American Civil Literties Union") hat nach einer neuerlichen Debatte im US-Congress noch einmal bekräftigt, dass das von der Regierung vorgesehene Projekt der "Total Information Awareness" TIA "unannehmbar, nicht umsetzbar und gefährlich für den Missbrauch durch diejenigen, die dazu Zugang haben" ist.

Weiterlesen: USA: Bürgerrechtler gegen totale Überwachung

A reorganization of government may be the most necessary step to bringing better service to citizens, whether it's through e-government or any other means, officials said April 2.

Weiterlesen: USA: E-gov may rely on big changes

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