Heute 738

Gestern 548

Insgesamt 39680428

Montag, 28.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Today the Government Accountability Office released the report: Federal Contracting: Share-in-Savings Initiative Not Yet Tested.

Why GAO Did This Study

Federal agencies spend billions of dollars every year on information technology. Increasingly, agencies are using performance-based contracting methods where they specify desired outcomes and allow contractors to design the best solutions to achieve those outcomes. Share-in-savings contracting is one such method under which a contractor provides funding for a project, and the agency compensates the contractor from any savings derived as a result of contract performance.

Weiterlesen: USA: Share-in-Savings Initiative Not Yet Tested

More than two years after the E-Government Act of 2002 authorized share-in-savings contracts, the Office of Management and Budget has not issued guidance or implementing regulations.

A new Government Accountability Office report states that share-in-savings contracting, in which contractors are paid based on the amount of money they save for agencies rather than a flat fee, remains largely unused and untested.

Weiterlesen: USA: Share-in-savings not tested, GAO says

When it comes to building wide area municipal wireless networks, access alone doesn’t get the attention of most city governments. What does spark their interest are applications that support a mobile workforce and offer a clear return on investment for a wireless infrastructure.

This conclusion comes from a group of people who have spent the last two years helping three early adopters build citywide WiFi mesh systems: Cleveland, Corpus Christi, Texas, and Philadelphia. The group has also talked with many other cities about why they are waiting before tackling such projects.

Weiterlesen: USA: Apps, not access, drive city wireless programs

The Homeland Security Department is deploying a new “secret” data network to pass classified information to hundreds of state and local officials, DHS officers said at a congressional hearing today.

The Homeland Security Information Network-Secret (HSIN-Secret) is an “immediate, inexpensive and temporary approach to reach state and local homeland security and law enforcement sites that can receive secret-level information,” Matthew Broderick, director of the Homeland Security Operations Center, said in testimony today to the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment.

Weiterlesen: USA: The secret is out: DHS launches state-local network

The Defense Department has invested nearly four years and $318 million into developing a business enterprise architecture, but has very little to show for its efforts, according to a new Government Accountability Office report.

In the report Randolph Hite, the director of IT architecture and systems issues for GAO, said DOD’s current enterprise architecture is “incomplete, inconsistent and not integrated and, thus, has limited utility.”

Weiterlesen: USA: GAO report says Defense business EA has ‘limited utility’

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